Marine Scale ‘F’ Regulation First Aid Kit

$423.50 (Incl. GST)

Dimensions: 483 × 273 × 257 mm


The Regulation Marine Scale F first aid kit comes complete in an extra large 2 tray plastic kit. The contents are as specified by the National Standard for Commercial Vessels 2008.

  • Dimensions: 483 x 273 x 257

When determining the correct first aid kit for your survey ensure you address the following considerations:

H3.1 Medical Supplies Advice

Owners and operators should obtain medical advice from their consultant, medical practitioners or pharmacists in specifying medical supplies for their vessels, especially should they wish to add to the mandatory listings.

NOTE: The supplies and quantities are based on experience of the range of medical and surgical emergencies that can arise on board a vessel. However, they may need to be expanded in accordance with the particular risks inherent to the voyage, the length of the voyage, access to medical facilities, the cargoes carried and the number of persons on board.

The medical time period in which medical assistance can be obtained: 2 hours – Scale G, 6 hours – Scale F, 12 hours – Scale D and E.

Case may vary from picture

Scheduled medicines not provided but are required in Scale F first aid kits:

Marine Scale ‘F’ Regulation First Aid Kit

25cm Conforming bandagesecure dressing and support injured parts
210cm Conforming bandagesecure dressing and support injured parts
27.5cm Heavy crepe bandageSupport bandage
4Triangular BandagesSling
310 x10cm Combine dressingBleeding control
520 x 10cm Combine dressingBleeding control
1010 x 10 non-adherent dressingWound dressing
210 x 10cm Hydroactive dressingBlisters, burns and minor exudate wounds
3No 15 Wound dressing largeMajor wounds
2No 13 Wound dressing smallMajor wounds
1Adhesive roll 5cm x 10cmSecure dressings
50Premium fabric stripsMinor wound cover
9Gauze swabsCleaning wounds
4Eye padEye cover
1Wound closure strips pkt 3Securing wound sides
12.5cm Waterproof tapeSecuring dressings
15cm Waterproof tapeSercuring dressings
3Disposable towels pkt of 2Clean Up
2Plastic bag set 3 sml, med, largeAmputated parts
2Bio hazard bagsDisposal of soiled dressings
10GlovesInfection control
12Safety pinsSecuring dressings and strapping
1Emergency blanketHypothermia and shock
1Instant ice packSprains and strains
1Resuscitation maskInfection control
10Splinter probesRemoving foreign bodies
1Splinter forceps 12.5cmRemoving foreign bodies
1Shears, stainless 19cmCutting clothing, bandages
2Splint malleable, universalImmobilisation
20Sterile saline 15mlWound cleaning
20Povidone iodine swabsAntiseptic Cleaning Wipe
1Antiseptic cream 30g
110cm Heavy crepe bandageSupport bandage wide
1Resuscitation mask, pocket
2Scalpel disposable
1First Aid book/CPR instruction

Note: contents of kits may vary from photo image.

Please Note: The information contained here is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


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